Indianapolis Chapter of the American Marketing Association


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We Want to Hear your AMA Story

Written by Daw Rigby

What made you join IndyAMA? What personal or professional benefits have you experienced as a result of your membership?

Your AMA story might inspire others to join, and there is no better time for new members to join the IndyAMA. Here are a few great examples of AMA stories from our current members:
“The short time I’ve been involved in the IndyAMA, I’ve come to realize a couple things: the members and volunteers are greatly appreciated, and treated with respect. Everyone is seriously dedicated and the passion for marketing that everyone has is just overflowing. The IndyAMA isn’t huge, but we’re powerful, and that’s what I love.” – Brittany Weaver, Secretary

“When I was asked to volunteer as the President of the IndyAMA I was honored and humbled to do so.  It is my passion to help others succeed in life and I believe the AMA does that in many ways.” – Jennifer Denney, President

“[I have enjoyed] the friendships over the years as well as network connections. If I struggle with a problem or situation, advise is just an email away from a person in the IndyAMA I have met over the years. I also enjoy the opportunities to stay relevant with what others are learning or discovering.” – Steven Follis, Treasurer

Now we want to hear your story! Share your membership testimonial by October 16 for a chance to win free admission to an IndyAMA luncheon of your choice. Submit your story by emailing us at