Indianapolis Chapter of the American Marketing Association


Learn more about our organization and marketing opportunities in Indy!


Volunteer Spotlight - Lori Ann Davis

Get to know our Hospitality Chair, Lori Anne Davis! 

Member Since: 2015

Day Job: Business Development and Marketing, Cascade Asset Management

What my job entails: I am responsible for promoting Cascade Asset Management’s core business by managing marketing campaigns and defining creative ways to engage potential clients.

What I find most exciting/interesting about marketing: I love the creativity marketing affords me to have. Each day is different. I enjoy learning all that I can about marketing. Marketing is ever-changing, and the fact that I can grow in this field because of how Marketing is always changing is exciting to me.

What I enjoy about IndyAMA: I appreciate all that I have learned in AMA. I decided to get involved so I can give back and help with continuing to provide great programs and information to others.

What I do for fun: I love spending time with my family and friends. I like doing outdoor activities and sewing.

You may be surprised to know that: I love getting on rollercoasters, but I am afraid of heights.

eventsKatie Gilmore