Indianapolis Chapter of the American Marketing Association


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Volunteer Spotlight - Augusto Pinaud

Get to know Events Committee volunteer, Augusto Pinaud!

Member since: 2017

Augusto Pinaud, Events Committee Volunteer

Augusto Pinaud, Events Committee Volunteer

My day job: Business Enablement Manager at MEGAstream Media

What my job entails: My role is to help our prospects and clients to connect invisible dots creating synchronicity between their Sales, Marketing and IT. I consult, create, and design marketing strategies, web developments and app developments, and manage IT and security, giving prospects and clients a one stop solution for all their needs.

What I find most exciting/interesting about marketing: I have been on the verge of Business and Technology and love to help others to connect invisible dots.

Marketing is a consistent challenge because it is constantly evolving. I love to be able to explain to people that Marketing is the glue that helps to keep those Invisible Dots connected to each other. The challenge is that everything can change in a second and there go all your marketing efforts.

I explain often to people that the challenge of Marketing is similar to playing “Perfection” when there were kids, except that there is no stop button, once in a while the game will explode and you need to adjust and start over.

What I enjoy about AMA Indy: Indy AMA is an amazing organization. My only regret is that I didn’t join earlier. I have had the opportunity to learn, connect and interact with an incredible group of talented marketers. It is fun to be part of an organization that gives a lot to such a variety of people and organizations. As if that wasn’t enough, it gives me the opportunity to constantly be in learning mode that it is something that I really enjoy.

What I do for fun: I love to read and write. In my fun time, I read and write books. I have published 2 Novels, 6 Productivity Books in English and 7 in Spanish. My next book is due Spring 2018.

You may be surprised to know that: I read over 70 books per year. In 2013 spoke at TEDx Fort Wayne. Also that I am #iPadOnly since 2011; that means that my main machine is an iPad and it has been since 2011.

Kelly Minnick